Reese Tapioca Pudding Recipe
Tapioca, which is derived from the cassava plant, has been used for several ages in the preparation of puddings and other kinds of sweet treats. Because tapioca does not have any contaminants, its delicate flavor does not compete with the taste of light flavors like vanilla, peach, or lemon.
Servings: 6
- Reese Tapioca, 1/2 cup
- 2 ½ cups of milk
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 cup sugar and 2 separate eggs
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
Overnight, place tapioca in a bowl and cover it with two cups of water at room temperature. Drain the water.
In a double boiler, heat the milk until it is just warm enough to drink. Salt and tapioca should now be added. Maintain the heat until you see little bubbles forming along the pan's sides. Cover, reduce the heat to low, and continue to cook for an additional hour. Take care to prevent the milk mixture from coming to a simmer or a boil.
Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites. Egg yolks and sugar should be mixed together and beaten until they reach a pale yellow tint. Blend the egg yolks until they are completely combined, then add some of the heated mixtures to them. After that, stir in the egg yolks until the mixture is quite thick, which should take around 15 minutes.
Egg whites should be beaten until they are firm. Mixing the egg whites into the hot tapioca mixture should be done slowly. Whisk in vanilla. You can serve the food hot or cold.